Living Compass in Schools

Living Compass for Teens-Secular

Living Compass for Teens-Secular

In order to foster their health and wellness,young people in our culture need to be known, need safe places to talk, and need the support of caring and accepting adults and communities. They also need to look at the myriad of decisions they are making in their lives each day and to think about whether those decisions are helping them build a life of health and wellness.

With this in mind, Living Compass has created a beautiful, 100-page teen notebook, the Living Compass Wellness Notebook for Teens and an accompanying Leaders Guide. This program opens up opportunities for authentic conversations between teens and adults covering eight interconnected areas of wellness (see below). The teens take a self-assessment for each of the eight areas of wellness, learn about what wellness looks like in each area, and gain information about how to build wellness in that area. As a means of self-reflection, participants journal in their notebooks to identify areas they want to improve. Finally, they create goals for each area of wellness and begin to take steps to help them reach their goals.

This notebook can be used in the following formats:

  • High school health and wellness classes
  • Counseling or therapy sessions
  • After school programs
  • Teens on their own
  • Sports teams
  • Support groups
  • AODA programs

A leader's guide and a spiral notebook for each teen is needed to implement The Living Compass Teen Wellness curriculum.

To find out more about this resource visit The Teen Compass website.

Living Compass in Schools