Words of Wellness

August 17, 2012 | The Rev. Dr. Scott Stoner

"Time Away"

     I am just beginning ten days away in beautiful Door County, Wisconsin, where I will be spending lots of time exploring the back roads of this beautiful place on my bicycle.  Many of you have taken or will be taking time off this month, as well.  Time off is a great time to explore the back roads of our lives, to reacquaint ourselves with the less visited places of our hearts and souls.  However we do this, whether on a bike, at a beach, taking a walk in the woods, spending time with friends and family, reading a good book, watching the sunset, or all of the above!--may we remember the importance of rest and play in our lives.  

     Many of you, as well, are going or will be going through significant transitions this month as children of all ages return to school or leave home to go away to school.  The balance of your life, as you have known it, is shifting.  Be sure to make time and space for your heart and soul to feel what you are feeling.  Avoid the temptation to fill any void you may be feeling too quickly.  At the same time though, keep moving forward.  Keep moving ahead, not knowing what's around the next bend, but trusting that in time, a new sense of balance will emerge.  

     I don't think it is just a coincidence that many people go on vacation in August.  It's not just because they are trying to get their time away in before the warm weather changes.  I believe at some intuitive level they know that their hearts and souls need to be cared for in preparation for the changes that often come with the fall season.  

     So here's to time away, however we may take it.  Here's to restoring balance.  Here's to strengthening our hearts and souls as we move ahead to embrace all of the changes that life has in store of us.  

     The Words of Wellness column will return in two weeks, after I have returned from my time away.  

Scott Stoner 

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