

“We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but spiritual beings having a human experience.” – Teilhard de Chardin

There are a few components to be considered when thinking about your spirituality:

Personal, Daily Spiritual Practices:
These could include daily prayer, devotions, meditation, journaling, walking in nature, Bible study, reading, etc. How often do you do these things?

Participation in a Faith or Spiritual Community:
Are you active in a church or spiritual community? Do you attend regularly? Do you attend classes to enrich your spiritual life?

The Practice of Forgiveness:
Do you need to forgive or seek forgiveness from any of the following people: someone from your family of origin, a current family member (spouse, child), a friend, or a colleague? Do you struggle with forgiving yourself in any way?

Life Purpose:
Do you feel that your life has a clear purpose? Do you live in alignment with that purpose? When do you feel most alive?

Rest & Play

“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” - Plato

The biggest deficit in many people’s lives right now is not money, but time. Telling people how busy you are has become a badge of honor in our culture. We are moving so fast at times that we forget how important rest and play are to our wholeness.

Here are some questions to help you assess your satisfaction with this aspect of your life:

  • How often do you play?
  • What were the attitudes of your family of origin about play?
  • How do you play?
  • Do you play alone or with others? Whom?
  • Do you take time to recreate every week or weekend?
  • Do you take all of your vacation?
  • Do you truly re-create on your vacation?
  • Do you have hobbies that you enjoy?
  • Is your play re-creative – specify how?
  • Do you get enough sleep on a regular basis?
Take an assessment now: