Living Compass Retreat and Training Weekend

Living Compass will come to your diocese or deanery to introduce this ministry to your local parishes. We also offer phone conversations regarding how to begin or grow a Living Compass Wellness Ministry in your church, diocese, or organization without a weekend visit.

Contact or call 414-964-4357 to coordinate your weekend.

Living Compass Retreat and Training Weekend

This is an opportunity for communities to gather and explore how Living Compass can support the health of their parish, diocese, or organization. It is a chance for leaders to experience Living Compass through the retreat and learn how to use the materials. Many churches have used their weekend to kick off this new ministry in their community. The typical weekend has three parts.

Part One: Living Compass Mini-Retreat (2 1/2 hours recommended)

This mini retreat serves two purposes. The first is to provide your community with a day that will help them restore, renew and re-energize their spiritual, emotional, relational, and physical wellness. The second purpose is to introduce the Living Compass whole person wellness program and to lift up any one who may be interested in leading a Living Compass ministry. The focus of this introduction can be on individuals, families, parents, teens or a combination of them all. Each participant will take the Living Compass Self-Assessment. With this assessment each person will receive the tools to create their personal "map" for growth and change. Participants will also be introduced to a variety of spiritual practices. A creative balance of fun and education is the key to helping people discover and rediscover the abundant life that God desires for them and it starts here with this mini-retreat. This is usually presented on Saturday morning or mid- afternoon Saturday.

Part Two: Living Compass Leaders Workshop (2 hours recommended)

This workshop is specifically designed for those people, lay or clergy, who are interested in running a Living Compass ministry. It is important that facilitators also attend the mini-retreat for better understanding. A thorough explanation of how to best use the Leader Manuals and materials will be given. This session is usually presented on Saturday afternoon or after dinner Saturday evening.

Part Three: Education Hour and Preaching Sunday AM

This session can be offered during the adult education time on Sunday morning. This is a chance to invite everyone from the parish or community as a whole, including those who did not participate in the other sessions to come together and find out about Living Compass and see how it will fit into their lives. Choose one of the following formats or inquire about a subject that speaks to your community.

  1. Today's Church or Christian Community as a Wellness Center
    Almost every work place has some sort of wellness program today. Scott and Holly Stoner will discuss their belief that the Church or Christian based organization is the original wellness center and that it is time to reclaim that identity, as it is deeply rooted in the teachings of Jesus and the Church's scriptures.
  2. Defining Core Values for Today's Emerging Adults/Teens
    How youth emotionally and spiritually negotiate changes and transitions, both planned and unplanned, will ultimately impact the rest of their life. Holly will work with them to help them more clearly define their own values surrounding the decisions that they face every day.
  3. Parenting and Family in Today's Culture
    Explore and create a map of your family's journey. Parents will be empowered and inspired to take personal responsibility for the decisions regarding their families' wellness when they listen to what God is saying to them and then they choose what they should do differently.

Sunday Morning Preaching

Rev. Dr. Scott Stoner is also excited to offer to preach on Christ's call for whole-person wellness during services on Sunday morning. He will connect God's desire for us to be well to the lectionary for that Sunday.

This is our typical format but we are open to working with you on customizing our programs for you. Scott and Holly Stoner only ask that the parish, diocese, or organization reimburse them for their travel expenses, hotel and the price of materials.